Letter 1861-Parsons

Its that time again where we get a lost its sad to see us a Union together not get a victory.I continue looking and fighting for what I came for.I write this and think about what we could of done.It was sad to not see us,I look around at this instant moment and see how much we got in us. Our leaders are powerful  people that will lead us to do the impossible I am not gonna lie it was a discourage that we didn't win but know that theirs more to come . The battle of Bull run in 1861 was one of them as i write i express how it happen.We together as a union fight to the end we had the most people from the other side the Confederate troops moved north i guess you can say it wasn't the best idea.As we got back we were all had something to say we think about what we did wrong. From the past few days all of us have been practicing and getting better at our skills for many things.Have I mentioned that we got a new tax from congress it was a good push for the Union Government .Meaning we got new equipment that would level up so many things.We are all proud and happy for that you can't even imagine.And what a shock I had we have a new General to say that hes a pretty good leader and good to the group but don't  know what would happen so far,well I say this hasn't  been the best week their been situations and problems cause many of us aren't so happy. As you can see so many things have happen we will be safe and fight as a Union together.And a reminder that we will always go.



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