1865 Journal Entry Thomas Ward

Dear my secret friend,
I have not had too much time to write in you this year so let me recap.
March 4, 1865, Lincoln made his second inaugural address. Promising no malice and held out an olive branch to the Confederate Americans. “With Malice towards none; with charity for all... Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the Nation’s wounds” he is hoping to restore the Union. 

April 6, Retreating Confederate forces under General Robert E. Lee. The one-day battle was a Union victory, of course. Then around 8,000 soldiers surrendered. It was around a third of Lee's army.

Then, April 15 we found out that President Lincoln was assassinated. The nefarious deed was done the night before on the 14 while Lincoln and his wife, Mary, were at a theater watching "Our American Cousin" we are in disbelief. The foul John Wilkes Booth did the nefarious deed. 

Your writer, 
Thomas Ward


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