Letter Home - M. Stanton

To my Father,

I've been part of the Union for a few days know. Almost a week, I'd believe. As you know, I joined because I felt it was necessary to show my loyalty to the country. You've known I've always longed for a purpose, so when President Lincoln was in need of men at Fort Sumter, I saw an opportunity. I know you wished to accompany me, but I couldn't let you make that sacrifice. But worry not, it has been reported to me that this wretched war should take around six months. In fact, they've already begun in the state of Maryland, a city called Baltimore. The men I lead are not stationed there, but we've heard that the first shots of war have been fired there already. But worry not for me Father, I will be back home with you, my wife, my kid and step-children. I may not be able to promise many things, but I assure you this one I will keep.

Your son, 
Bruce Stanton


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