Newspaper-Emily Parsons

                                                  The Battle of 1862

                                                       By: Parsons

Well here I am today giving a report on how we are seeing things,This new topic got interested we see a new area changing.As we can see that this had no words to explain,Not only did this battle bring a huge impact but it was one of the most Bloodiest words in history that's what it was known for not so many people can forget this battle.We can see that some people through this battle had so many ways of expressing it and opinions. I wonder what they would say? anyways lets get started.

Battle of 1862:
During the time April 1862-November 1862 both captains dislike each other lets just say if they saw each other they would have many words to say and wont be good.They were both leaders of their team intelligent but some not so good with it they won the victory but not.They were both fighting for different things.General Robert Lee south against Union General George McClellan's army this may have been those type of battles that in the world  there might have been in outcome.Lee wanted to have the power and make a move they attack the north.It was shaping up to something that u would never know.As we all know that it was one of the bloodiest war cause of the result we get over 23,000 people were killed or injured with not an ok injure a very bad one.We see that the game plan for some people didn't go well.At the end the union won the victory the sad news is that General  McClellan got fired and no more in charge.


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