Thomas Ward 1861

Dear my darling Emily,
1861 has been a treacherous time. First, on April 15, I was one of the 75,000 volunteers to enlist. I remember how you knew I had to go but you did not want me to. Then on the 19th of April, I hear about a riot in Baltimore as I am sure you did too. Eleven deaths! The first casualties of this war. Then on July 26 the Union and the Confederates have the Battle of Bull Run, the first major battle. This is all very overwhelming and with a Confederate win, I think this war will last a lot longer than I thought. But in November the Union got McClellan! He turned us into an elite force.  hopefully, my love, 1862 will be better and in 1862 this treacherous war will be over and I can come home to you. I miss you I hope you will write back soon. Also please check in on Mother and Father from time to time. Father wrote to me saying Mother is terrified when she gets mail, always thinking I have been killed. So please try to comfort her during this scary time. I love and if you write to me please tell me how our child is doing I worry for her. Having no father around. I love you.

Thomas Ward


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