1865 Letter - Stanton

Dear Constance,

It's mid April already, and the war has ended. Our victory was bittersweet, though, for our great leader whom led us to this great victory has passed. Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed on April 15th, just a few days ago. Or has it been more than a week? I have not been able to keep time correctly. I heard he was with his wife at the moment, watching your favorite play: "Our American Cousin",. May I hope that never happen to us. As we get ready for release, there have been rumors of the assassin was a famous actor named John Wilkes Booth . I recall we would go watch a few of his plays before I left. What a shame. But do not fear, dearest, for he was found yesterday. The method used to get him out was cruel, I will admit, but it is fair price to what costly action he did to the country. You see, they found Sir Booth in a barn, and in hopes to get him out, said barn was burned. The man was killed soon after by an officer there. I know you are in mourning, but I am to be with you and the kids, and my father, quite soon. The war did not completely take me.

With Love,
Bruce Stanton


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